2009 BimmerFest Photo Gallery
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The city of bright lights and neon, Las Vegas was the background for Agent00R as he went on his first solo assignment for Auto Spies. And what a first assignment it was!
This guy didn’t go to Sin City to review some silly pony car., he was there for the latest on the 2010 Mercedes E Class! Not bad for your first assignment,
but then again, with pictures like these, you really do want your top lens on the case. Not to be outdone by Agent00R, our
Agent001 has made yet another pilgrimage to the annual BimmerFest gathering. After all with all of the hot BMW’s and equally hot ladies 001, just couldn’t miss this landmark event like this. Maybe I should break out that poloroid camera of my grand dad and have at it.
Even though gas prices have fallen quite a bit recently, the economic downturn is still driving consumers to save expenses. With both the Toyota and Honda battling it out in the entry level hybrid market, the real winner may the consumer. For the first time in a long time Honda and Toyota have had very similar products competing head to head for your dollar. Will Honda’s new Insight take the top spot in hybrid sales for the year,? Or will Toyota’s combination punch of both new and old school Prius hybrids side by side on the floor take the contest?
You are going to have to read this one to decide. With the competition heating up on hybrid side of the equation. Agent001 wondered
why aren’t more of these 50MPG German sedans moving off the shelf. After the Audi A4 diesel is far roomier and averages surprisingly close in overall mileage. Are the oil burning disasters of the 80’s still looming in the back of consumer’s minds?
Remember a few months ago when we put you in the driver’s seat As a CEO of a top auto maker?
Agent001 brought us back by appointing you the car czar this week by asking which single car would you kill in today’s market? General Motors may have beaten you to the punch if you snoozed a bit too long on that one, by announcing
the demise of the Pontiac brand by the end of the year. A Sad day indeed, but with so many brands on the chopping block, Agent009 ask just
what would it take to buy a doomed brand from GM? With it becoming increasingly obvious the both GM and Chrysler would both be in bankruptcy court in June. Agent009 saw the potential for the tax payer to become the owner of both of the these goliaths. So he asked just
how you feel about owning an unwanted auto maker? If the current plans hold true for GM, you just may have to sit back and watch
as the federal government kills such notable models as the CTS-V and the Corvette. If you want to carry that conspiracy theory a bit further than you may want to ask yourself,
did the Obama administration already know that GM and Chrysler were going to fail but threw money at them anyway?